Yesterday you turned two months old. You, my sweetheart, are truly no longer a newborn. Sometimes, if I am very quiet, I can actually feel the breeze as time rushes past. But I’ve been amazed at how much fun you make each new stage. Now, when we fall asleep together, I wake to find you staring at me. Once you realize my eyes are open, you break into a grin so big your face would break in two if it grew any more. And how can a mama not love that?
This month, you were diagnosed with reflux. It’s been a painful few weeks (for all of us!) but slowly the medicine is starting to help. I know it’s not my fault, but baby! I’m so sorry you’ve been in pain. It breaks my heart to see you hurt. I know it’s just the beginning, and I’ll see you face many aches and pains (both physical and emotional) during your life, but this first one is tearing my heart up. We are prayerful it will pass soon.
Before we found out we were expecting you, your daddy and I had planned to move far across town. Once we learned of your impending arrival, however, we decided to stay put living in the apartment attached to your Gaunie and Grandpa’s house. During my pregnancy, I was so grateful for that decision, because five months on bed rest would have been a lot tougher without our family to take care of us. But since you were born, I’m a trillion-fold more grateful. You are one blessed little boy – at any time, there is five adults in immediate residence, ready to attend to your every laugh, cry, and interest. I am so happy that you are growing up surrounded by so much love – even if I do have to pry you away from Gaunie, Grandpa and Nana sometimes (I frequently say I’m glad you are nursing, because otherwise I’d never get to see you!).
You aren’t much for schedules, which is okay these days since I’m not working and daddy is working at home (again, FULL TIME ATTENTION you lucky boy!). But we’ve come up with a rather nice loose schedule for our days. You get up and get a diaper change, then we go play with your fan club (G, G, and Nana). You love this time in the morning, and your giggles ring through their house. Then when you start fussing, we go back to our apartment to get you some breakfast. You usually fall asleep, and depending on our night, Mama naps with you. If we have any errands to run, we go do those when you wake up. If not, we play around the house. When he’s not too busy, Daddy joins in! Then it’s usually time for another nap. The weather has been beautiful, so after your nap, Mommy puts you in Baby K’tan (you HATE your stroller, so I bought us a wrap so I can wear you around) and we go for a long walk. You love taking walks. I point out all the animals we pass and we check out the flowers. I crunch the leaves that have already fallen and you just laugh and laugh.

After our walk, we usually do some tummy time (much to your displeasure) and play some more. Then Daddy cooks us dinner. G and G usually watch you at dinnertime so Mommy can actually eat with both hands. You often take a late nap (I’m trying to get rid of that late sleep, but you’re pretty stubborn about it!) and then it’s bath time.
After bath, we hang out with Daddy, who is done working for the day. Then we get you dressed for bed, say your prayers, and Mommy reads you a bedtime story. You eat dinner, and usually falls asleep in my arms. I love our days together.
We took our first family road trip this month. We went to G and G’s lake house in Horseshoe Bay. When you get older, you’ll find out your mommy is obsessed with the Texas hill country, so this won’t be our last trip up there! We had a beautiful visit. Me and daddy have been dying to see the house, but since I was on bed rest, this was our first time to visit. We spent most of the trip sitting out on the beautiful balcony and enjoying the fresh air. You had so much fun, and even gave me an amazing gift – one night you slept nine hours! Bless you, little boy!
This month also marked mine and daddy’s anniversary. We were married the week before Thanksgiving four years ago. It was a beautiful wedding, and having you here just made the date so much more special. Which is good, because we didn’t do much to celebrate other than relish our new family!

We also got to celebrate your first Thanksgiving. It was fun – we drove to Uncle Mike’s house, and spent it with daddy’s side of the family. It was the first time most of them really got to spend time with you, and they are just as in love with you as everyone else. You particularly enjoyed Uncle Mike. Every time he’d walk near you, you’d bust out in the biggest grin.
You are so much fun, and your personality is growing bigger every day. I love you so much.
To the moon… and back,
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